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sh!thawks...on parade: just one more hammer stroke

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dear grad school,

i have a thought. how about you phone me up today and tell me that next week i can come back.
that'd be mighty nice of you. i promise to write you lots of academic stuff and drink lots of red bull and be generally content to be a permananent stress case because if there's one thing im good at it's being an academic stress case. how does that sound? late night research parties? yeah, it sounds good i know.

Dear Life, the Universe and Everything,

i'd say bite me but you've done enough of that, so instead go fuck yourself sideways because at least if you're busy doing that then i can get a break and i could use that i think.

Dear People of the World,

no one fights over a timbit. remember that.

Dear Last Year,

today i remembered another scar.

just one more hammer stroke


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