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sh!thawks...on parade: half a flip

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dear Sunrise,

I haven't seen you in a while, which I sometimes feel guilty about because I often think that if I have the opportunity I should stay up for you. I think that maybe soon I will because I know that a lot of things aren't written in stone, but I know that regardless if there are clouds in the sky, you'll come up every morning and at least there's a bit of certainty to cling to.
I once wrote to you in Ottawa after a party we had for the Pages. I remember lying in bed listening to the last dying sounds of music and voices downstairs. I remember Julie came in to ask if she could crash in my room and I remember being nervous because she's cool and I sort of had a crush on her. I wrote to you and then I forgot and then i remembered and for some reason I'll always remember that moment when I looked up through the blinds and saw you just starting to brighten the morning sky and think 'wow, what a nice ending'. after that there weren't so many happy endings. maybe that's the key to it, maybe if i stay to find you peeking out over the night sky again i can find another happy ending. The last time I saw you I didnt have a chance to say hi because I was on a plane and there were too many people around and I couldnt just sit and watch you. I remember thinking that it would be nice to be sitting on the top of one of the random peaks spread out in mountains under the plane and just listen to the world go round as you climbed up over it. Do you think that many people still do that? it's not the same standing in the door with a cup of tea in the morning.

Dear Sunrise,
I hope to see you again soon.

half a flip


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