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sh!thawks...on parade: aujourd'hui je m'en fou

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i don't think dogs would really like that sign because that sign is very dog eye level and it's telling them no poo. like, what if dogs have really one track minds and theyre like NO POO??? OOOO NOOOOO!!! WHATAMIGOONADO I CANTPOOOOOOOOO!!!! and then they go to the big dog park that i found today off Commercial and theyd see other dogs pooing and they'd be like NOOO!! IT SAID NOOOOOO POOOOOOOOO!!!! and then he'd see a duck in the pond there and he'd be all QUACKY THING!!! and chase it and forget all about not being able to poo.
i also saw a two year old looking kid in a stroller playing with a cell phone and it made me sad for his future.
i also brought Life, the Universe and Everything to read cause i kind of wanted something to eat but i never really stopped to eat and then i was kind of laughing at myself cause how cliché is that to go to some little café on commercial and read a book? pretty cliché i think. there's actually this Quebec restaurant down there called Frenchies that i want to go to. it's pretty close to this restaurant called Havana that i've been to with Brett and it was good. and then if you go the other way theres the Katmandhu Café and you cant pronounce anything on the menu.
i also bought a wah pedal the other day cause why not.

remember, no to poo.

aujourd'hui je m'en fou


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