random conversations about camping trips are mucho fun. random conversations about nothing in particular are also fun. looking forward to the next conversation about nothing in particular is also also fun. there seems to be a recurring trend here.
i also waited for SOMEone to let me know when Dion was around. not naming names. you know who you are. hmm? yeah thats right texty McDonttellme. i kid. you still owe me a scarf.
oh heres another reason why i dont like dress shoes. they cut the shit out the of the back of my feet and it hurts and i walk around like ive got ricketts or whatever the hell that is.
i think im going to go have a pizza pop, watch some Dirty Jobs and then head to bed. i guess random adventure day is going to turn into more like random adventure hour depending how long im downtown.i should just bring a backpack and a change of clothes and find a phone booth. FWAH!!! no im not superman thank you, spandex makes my skin itch.
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