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sh!thawks...on parade: there they are alive on the moon

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i slept funny last night. i woke up and i was like...fuck i must look like im doing an interpretive dance the way im lying here... i got caught up in this book last night and just sat on the couch reading til about 3am. i havent done that in soooooooooo long and it was refreshing but tonight the new Scrubs and Afro Samurai is on, so i'll have to wait til after.
i like when you read a book and you start to actually care about the characters. i mean, this probably happens in most cases, but only for certain books do you read them and actually give a damn. especially when you read it and the story line starts reminding you of things you've been through and kind of allows you to reflect on them along with the chracters. it's the kind of book where when you put it down you feel like you want to just peek ahead a few pages but when you think that you immediately feel guilty about it because it's like prying into something you aren't yet meant to see.
so then you put it down and go to sleep all the while wondering what's next and really hoping that something exciting happens and you can't wait to pick it up the next day and keep going.
the sun is out. sweet jebus yes.

there they are alive on the moon


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