today was a good day. aside from the fact that my throat feels a bit dry cause of the movie theater where my aunt and uncle and i went to see Casino Royale. i got to buy shoes, which ok, i'll admit i love to do. so sue me. and piss off that doesnt make that video any more real. i got a real phone connection. i got to see a movie. i got offered an interview. but the real telling thing about when i know it's a good day is....
...ooooh the suspense...
ok, so it'll soudsn strange, but when i listen to a song and i watch things around me and things that happen around me do so in sequence with the music. case in point, Wings for Marie Pt. 2 on the seabus where the boat was kind of rocking to the beat and came to a complete stop on the other side right when maynard goes "WINGS!!!" fuck. yes.
things in motion, things swing around, things in time.
give me my, give me my wings.
so tomorrow is interview, then photographic adventure of the downtown or somewhere, then on friday it's random adventure day then it's the weekend and i will figure out something to do.
mayhaps i will go to Chapters and scour for some Northrop Frye or Jeanette Winterson.
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