i don't get why everyone says that saturday posts suck. really, they're just the same as any other day except probly more hungover.
my head feels not as sick as yesterday but still not free of germs.
today i tried to remember what i thought the first time i ever saw SFU. and then i realized i couldn't. and that sort of made me sad. but then i thought that i like having a university campus as my backyard. some people have tire swings...i have a university.
i wonder if craig mctavish is thinking twice about picking roloson as a starting goalie for the oilers. two losses in a row for the new goalie. slap yourselves.
im hitting the point where i just want the semester to be over with and i can go sit on a couch and not have to do anything for a while.
random bit of knowledge: looking at a bright light makes me sneeze.
current mood: "Tonight, Tonight" by The Smashing Pumpkins
omg ej picture. also sasha and shaz: i've already tried to convince him to stay. i say we keep trying. he'll wear down eventually.
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