today is one of those days where you wake up and the first thing that goes through your head is that things have been going far too well the last while and where's the inevitable tilting of the karmic see-saw. so it tilted some this morning, and now i feel bad and a little stupid.
and no im not telling why. suffice it to say that im sorry im stupid.
stupidity is like my kryptonite. when i start to feel bad and stupid i tend to overanalyze things and that just makes everything else grind to a slow crawl.
i got a large powerpuff girls ice cream cake. it was ice creamy. and the candle played music.
and we didnt end up playing laser tag or risk, but we did end up watching Pretty in Pink and talking about so many random things that all our sides hurt from laughing.
ok...i need to actually get up and do something now, or else my head will only make things go downhill faster and thats no fun because i don't like it when it does that.
current mood: "Thousand Mile Wish" by Finger Eleven
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