so i guess the university closed this afternoon because of all the snow. not that it really mattered because our little tribe of video kids for my children, culture and media class were busy being busy little tribespeople working on our videos that are due tomorrow. 12 hours later...ok...well, i -did- take one break to go get some food at one point, and i made sure i stocked up. 8 slices of pizza. plus we had cookies and whatever other random bits of food we all brought in. it was like a fuckin media lab survival group.
so we're not so sure about beign able to actually hand in our videos tomorrow...i say this mostly because if i look out my balcony window i can almost see across the courtyard. there some kind of falling white material tumbling to the ground in massive quantities that's obscuring my view...
i asked smelly if she was gonna come up and go caf tray sledding with us tonight, but she was busy. thats ok though, cause im not sure a vehicle could very easily make it up the mountain now anyway.
ok...i think it would be in my best interest to go have some food and water...12 hours of staring at a screen is very rapidly catching up with me...
current mood: "The Blood, The Sweat, The Tears" by MachineHead
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