so i finally sucked it up and logged into goSFU to find out the status of my application to the MPP program. *insert deeply suspenseful jungle type music* warily my hand paused over the button of the mouse, my eyes darting back and forth watching the shadows for signs of movement which might alert me to any predator that may be lurking, waiting to strike and rend me limb from limb in a wild display of animal might and make a mighty tasty suppah. I took a deep breath and froged on ahead, clicking the mouse deftly, striding forward into the unknown of the cyberspace foliage of the new goSFU layout, uncertain of what lay ahead. The page loaded and revealed itself as though fronds of ferns and trees parted before me. Prepared for the worst, I drew in a breath, ready to cry out in fear or terror or general dismay. But to my great relief, instead of a yellow triangle which would have signaled the end to any hope of finding my way through the dank jungle and into the concrete world of the ancient halls of SFU, a green circle greeted me alerting me to the most appreciated fact that my application has now been processed and is therefore once again in the running to get me the hell back into school.
what's that? movement in thee distance?
what's that? movement in thee distance?
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