so, yeah US soldiers are probly some of the most fucked up individuals on the planet. everett also showed me the new microwave gun that's being distributed to troops in Iraq for what the US calls 'crowd control". someone please tell me how a weapon that makes you feel like you're dipped in lava and can actually cause your skin to blister and burn not constitute a method of torture? crowd control my ass. US troops seem to have no problem taunting children so why would they have any problem with chasing people with a microwave weapon?
i bought pocky today. so good.
ive got the online broadcast of CPAC on watching Government Business no. 12 Definition of Traditional Marriage. how. fucking. stupid. hey, im pretty sure that the world hasnt gone to hell and we're not all burning because people who want to get married can get married. dear Tories: get your nose out of the private lives of your citizens. and fyi, in my opinion a Free Vote is NOT representative of a real democracy. why? simply put, the job of an MP is to represent the majority opinion of his or her constituents. NOT to decide whats best for constituents on their own.
sorry, Fast Eddie from Abbotsford is talking and he's probly one of the dumbest MPs ive ever listened to.
bah. ok i need to go get something to eat so i dont yell.
oh, and this is what im going to do when im in Las Vegas for christmas/xmas/holiday day/whatever the fuck it's called now.
-----later on that evening-----
dont ever think to yourself "hey, im going to order a pizza with pepperoni, italian sausage and jalepenos on it!" and think its a good idea. because once you do, and you get half way through it, you start to realize that those arent sounds of hunger anymore, theyre sounds of anger from your stomach.
i bought pocky today. so good.
ive got the online broadcast of CPAC on watching Government Business no. 12 Definition of Traditional Marriage. how. fucking. stupid. hey, im pretty sure that the world hasnt gone to hell and we're not all burning because people who want to get married can get married. dear Tories: get your nose out of the private lives of your citizens. and fyi, in my opinion a Free Vote is NOT representative of a real democracy. why? simply put, the job of an MP is to represent the majority opinion of his or her constituents. NOT to decide whats best for constituents on their own.
sorry, Fast Eddie from Abbotsford is talking and he's probly one of the dumbest MPs ive ever listened to.
bah. ok i need to go get something to eat so i dont yell.
oh, and this is what im going to do when im in Las Vegas for christmas/xmas/holiday day/whatever the fuck it's called now.
-----later on that evening-----
dont ever think to yourself "hey, im going to order a pizza with pepperoni, italian sausage and jalepenos on it!" and think its a good idea. because once you do, and you get half way through it, you start to realize that those arent sounds of hunger anymore, theyre sounds of anger from your stomach.
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