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sh!thawks...on parade: now im an area code for the GVRD

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i feel super spaced out. and tired. and like ive dangled over the threshold of personal comfort.
and here i thought i was all used to moving and stuff. i guess the big difference this time is the whole not going right back to school and have to tread in the real world for a while thing.
pretty much all my stuff except for my computer and a change of clothes are at the new digs.
why then am i not staying there? um. i dont want to yet.
i have this weird behaviour i do when i move somewhere. i unload all the boxes into whatever room is closest to the door. then i move them all into my room. then instead of unpacking anything, i shift the boxes around into neat piles. and i wont stop until im satisfied that they're piled in the way that seems to take up the least amount of space.
the place is like right across the street from a T&T market and about twenty chinese restaurants and stuff and my mom and my aunt and i went into the T&T and i thought i had stepped through the doors and into hong Kong. fucking weird. and then we went to the Happy King restaurant for dinner and when i was ordering and i wanted steamed rice i was saying and pointing at the item on the menu and it wasnt getting through and then it was weird cause the waitress said something and was like "yu undahstand?" and i was like holy backwards feeling is that?
ok i have to make a phone call.

now im an area code for the GVRD


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