it was bright in here a second ago and now its not so bright but i can see blue sky over there, you cant see me pointing but i am pointing over there to where there's blue sky, and i pulled the curtains the other way for once to open up the corner of the window and i like it better.
i think i feel that my room is messier than it really is. i have a collection of empty coke bottles that just keeps growing.
ive been working on my gun control project for a few hours and ive managed to go from just over four pages to just under thirteen pages and i have one more section that i need to do and that should get me close to 15 pages and i think i'll leave it at that for now once i get there. not bad for not having done anything with this project in over a month. i could probly put in ten hours on this one today, but ive managed a lot in four hours so i probly wont need to and plus i have some filler to put in my big fucking paper cause i feel bad for not having worked on it in like a week and i think on wednesday i'll start putting together my blog paper but just bits at first cause we're going over how our prof wants us to write it this week.
did you know that glass isnt a liquid? in high school one of my science teachers taught us that glass was liquid with almost infinite viscosity. that's wrong. i feel cheated. actually, no i dont. i feel mad at glass for not being a liquid of almost infiinite viscosity because that would be fucking cool.
i think i feel that my room is messier than it really is. i have a collection of empty coke bottles that just keeps growing.
ive been working on my gun control project for a few hours and ive managed to go from just over four pages to just under thirteen pages and i have one more section that i need to do and that should get me close to 15 pages and i think i'll leave it at that for now once i get there. not bad for not having done anything with this project in over a month. i could probly put in ten hours on this one today, but ive managed a lot in four hours so i probly wont need to and plus i have some filler to put in my big fucking paper cause i feel bad for not having worked on it in like a week and i think on wednesday i'll start putting together my blog paper but just bits at first cause we're going over how our prof wants us to write it this week.
did you know that glass isnt a liquid? in high school one of my science teachers taught us that glass was liquid with almost infinite viscosity. that's wrong. i feel cheated. actually, no i dont. i feel mad at glass for not being a liquid of almost infiinite viscosity because that would be fucking cool.
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