This is the destroyer my father served on in the beginning years of the Vietnam War. I know that serving on board this vessel has altered his life in unquestionable ways. When I was growing up he would refrain from telling me stories about just how horrible his experience could be at times. As I got older, he explained more and for this I am greatful because it's given me a deep appreciation for the actions of millions of individuals over the course of the last hundred years.
Regardless of your political beliefs, whether or not you agree with whatever wars are being fought right now, these men and women gave their time and their lives for us. This is the time to show your gratitude and respect for them.
My first year in Ottawa I was given the opportunity to lay a wreath at the National War Memorial alongside Simon and Dale. This was definitely one of the most moving events I have ever had the chance to be a part of. To be able to stand mere feet from the Memorial on Remembrance Day is almost haunting. Being present when the bugle plays the Last Post sends chills down your spine yet at the same time fills you with the utmost pride and respect. I am not ashamed in the least to say that when I hear that song played I have to choke back tears, and why not? The voices and spilled blood of millions of soldiers permeates the very core of that single instrument which plays its song only once each year. When I hear this song I am reminded of my father and my grandfather and all I can do is silently thank them for the sacrifices they made in their lives so that I might be able to live a prosperous life.
I hope that all of you have a chance to do the same.
Lest We Forget.
Regardless of your political beliefs, whether or not you agree with whatever wars are being fought right now, these men and women gave their time and their lives for us. This is the time to show your gratitude and respect for them.
My first year in Ottawa I was given the opportunity to lay a wreath at the National War Memorial alongside Simon and Dale. This was definitely one of the most moving events I have ever had the chance to be a part of. To be able to stand mere feet from the Memorial on Remembrance Day is almost haunting. Being present when the bugle plays the Last Post sends chills down your spine yet at the same time fills you with the utmost pride and respect. I am not ashamed in the least to say that when I hear that song played I have to choke back tears, and why not? The voices and spilled blood of millions of soldiers permeates the very core of that single instrument which plays its song only once each year. When I hear this song I am reminded of my father and my grandfather and all I can do is silently thank them for the sacrifices they made in their lives so that I might be able to live a prosperous life.
I hope that all of you have a chance to do the same.
Lest We Forget.
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