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sh!thawks...on parade: you've got Flail!

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the day before i left to come home last summer me and vicky and vicki and amanda got to meet G to the Ombolous.
the day before i left to come home this summer i had pancakes with the Rez Fambly at vicki's house.
the world works in strange fucking ways. one minute your happy as hell and the next you're not and then you are. and then sometime you get to watch all that from the sidelines and wonder when it'll happen to you.
i think im currently on the sidelines.
so my sister's luggage was delivered last night after the mucho botched air canada thing.
so after the dad and the mom got back from BC dropping off the grandpa, she divied up the gifts.
i scored a sweet ass shoulder bag that's that really cool green color of the chinese military and it has the red start on it and writing. i'll take pics later.
plus i got a mini Terra Cotta Warrior and a Rolex watch.
i have two oilers rub on tattoos.
and i took my sistah to south edmonton commons today cause there's a buffalo outlet store there and after my botching of buying playoffs tickets to the US i needed to go recommodify my self esteem. one pair of jeans and two shirts later. goddamn i love buffalo jeans.

you've got Flail!


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