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sh!thawks...on parade: isn't sleep that thing that happens overnight?

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had the last promotional culture class today. talked to my prof after for a bit.
i went for a walk around today between tutorial and class again and ended up at canada place watching the ship that's been berthed there for like three months. i kinda just stood up by the railing and watched for like an hour.
gotta say the thought crossed my mind that i should just forget school and go work on a fucking boat. see the ocean. catch some fish. avast ye me hearties.
i got about 4 hours of sleep last night. at least it was real sleep.
i printed off those stupid reading journals finally.
one essay, one video, an exam and packing to go.
so i think free time is going to fly out the window tonight. better soak it up while you can.
ok, well except for the blogger party.
tomorrow: lab, lecture, lab. lab. lab. lab. study kines.
friday: morning phone interview with school board in west virginia.
mid morning interview with kinesiology prof.
afternoon sociology class.
start and finish sociology paper friday night.
saturday: morning study more kines, go down to the lab to edit.
afternoon: more the same
night: get crunked.
sunday: go edit video while hungover, study kines. late night packing.
monday: much the same as sunday.
tuesday: much the same as sunday and monday except my dad will be in town so i have to load a bunch of shit into the truck.
tuesday: scramble like mad to make sure video is done.
wednesday: scramble like mad to finish video.
thursday: try to pass kinesiology.
thursday afternoon: crawl out of exam room on all fours and collapse on thr ground. then go home and light the textbook on fire.

ive said all this before havent i?
im hungry.

isn't sleep that thing that happens overnight?


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