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sh!thawks...on parade: i thought i was getting some sweet mail?

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if you leave coffee beans uncovered over night, when you wake up your entire room will smell like coffee beans.
so daylight savings time is annoying. i wake up and im like "it feels like it's 10, i can sleep in for a bit" then i look at the clock and its actually 11.
11am is my last ditch wake up time. i tell myself to get up regardless.
i bet it really fucks with the people who are out at a bar. like, what happens if a bar normally closes at 2am? and all of a sudden it's 3am? at 1:59 do the owners go "everyone! make a run for it!"?
i am going into work lockdown today. i only have six more reading journals to do. but that really means 9 chapters, and two additional readings.
it'll be painful.
it'll be a long day.
it'll be a moment to look back upon some day in the future, and think, such braves souls that were lost for a day in the throes of battle with the seemingly unstoppable methodologies of Heusmann and Gerbner, who valiantly fought to make it through gulleys and verbose trenches of Postman and Kline, who came out coloured yellow from highlighting and shaking from too much caffeine.
i have three days of class left this week. i make sure to always go to the last class.

i thought i was getting some sweet mail?


Blogger Kate said...

Funny you say that, I was wondering the same thing this morning...about the bar, wondering what cop would be dickish enough to try and pull that.

12:35 PM  

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