arent i the poseur lol.
i feel like retracting what i say a while ago about taking up film photography again. it cost me 60$ to develop 3 rolls of film! what the fuck is that???
maybe i'll just wait and get a digital SLR camera.
secret agent pub night tonight.
im eating subway for dinner. yum. not really...the bread's stale.
when you get subway always ask for fresh bread. thats why they ask you if you want it toasted now, its cause they know theyre bread is fucking stale and you wont notice if they put it in a nuclear oven.
it feels like i've got something stuck in my teeth...
um...yeah, i'm gonna finish eating and then go to the pub.
current mood: "Alien Angel" by 3
HaPpY bIrThDaY!
Can't wait to hear how the 007 pub night turned out :)
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