ive had lucid dreams since i was a kid, but it doesnt mean i always necesarily like them. in fact sometimes they get so incredibly fucked up i wake myself up from them. but then theres those ones where you just caught up in them and cant. like you still realize that youre dreaming and you can act out in some way, but cant wake up.
i used to have the dreams where i flew around places and when they ended i could look down and see myself in me bed and then it was like gravity turned on ten times stronger and slammed back down and on a few occaisions actually bounced. fucked. up. i dont have those ones anymore. which sucks cause i didnt mind those ones.
i went to the gathering at vicki and justin's last night cause i figured it'd be more fun than sitting here playing quake all night. and it was. apparently tim and i should be a comedy duo and just sit on stage and talk about random shit.
i think the best part was when everett and corey and dustin and i were spread out in a corner talking politics while everyone else talked about food and i was all "hey guys, look, we're THOSE guys." actually ok, that maybe wasnt THE best part but definitely a highlight.
im trying to think of what i should put on my mp3 player for the Vegas trip. thoughts?
also, it's fil's birthday and he spills things now. go say happy birthday.
Labels: dreaming
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