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sh!thawks...on parade: nobody fucks with the lion...or the stingray

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ok, so now i am back in the rez.
no balcony this year but whatev, i have a better view out of my window.
also im going to not really put up a lot of posters i dont think. too much hassle to put them and take them all down.

so, as it stands theres four people living here, but the other dude who lives here hasnt shown up for like 2 days. meh.

i think that people should come up and visit me.

and you will be superbly unimpressed with my room but i dont care cause i'll have visitors lol.

classes start tomorrow and i have my first one at 3:30pm downtown then not again til thursday.

i went grocery shopping this morning but i got just enough to get me through the week, so no snacks or junk or whatever and im kind of hungry and im thinking of going and finding a burger maybe.

ooo wait i have gouda. maybe ill have some of that.

i also think we need a hammock and a kiddie pool and tacky 80s posters and tiki torches.

nobody fucks with the lion...or the stingray


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