so...7 fav songs of the day...
1. Sin - Nine Inch Nails
2. Come Clarity - In Flames
3. Box of Rain - The Greatful Dead
4. The Future is X-Rated - Matt Good
5. Knock Knock - The Fugs
6. Fall Into Sleep - Mudvayne
7. La Mer - Nine Inch Nails
now i guess i tag people...
i think i've sneezed more today than i have ever before. and it sucks cause every time i have to sneeze my nose wont let me sneeze for a really long time. seriously, i had to sneeze for like three fucking hours this afternoon and nuthin. i left lecture at the break cause i felt like complete ass and my eyes hurt and my head hurt and i hurt.
i saw a midget today. that made me happy for a bit.
that's my snowman. he's in our freezer. i think he threw frozen meat at Oyvind cause when he opened the freezer today all this shit came flying out.
and if you want a visual of how i feel...second picture.
i have: kines midterm tomorrow, comm video due tomorrow that apparently isnt done, registration for summer distance ed class tomorrow, sociology article write up i have to do tomorrow for friday...soc presentation on friday...
friday is also the monkey's birthday. therefore, you shall all say happy green birthday to her.
unfortunately, i cant allow myself the luxury of sleeping right now because of the stupid FUCKING KINES MIDTERM THAT CAN KISS MY FUCKING ASS CAUSE IT FUCKING SUCKS HARDCORE YOU MOTHERFUCKING CHEAP ASS PIECE OF CRAP CLASS!
vicki says im not allowed to complain about it cause i registered for it. that IS a good point. but it still sucks ass.
current mood: "Block" by MachineHead
What did you name the snowman? Because I'm jealous that the little dude gets to hang out with a bag of frozen coffee.
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