this is so undeniably tempting right now.
i decided to call it quits with one chapter left. the midterm isn't until thursday night. plus i've read everything, it's just a matter of taking notes on everything.
i'll now move on to something closer to my own realm: the political economy of beer.
yay, i get to read about beer! right? we'll see. i never was big on the whole political economy aspect, mostly because i'm still not sure exactly what it is. it's one of those aspects of communication theory i know i have to work on because it's sort of crucial. as long as there is no mention of Althusser in this, i'll not complain.
hold on...
flash of brilliance...
ok...so my flash of brilliance has fizzled. i have this book called "Communication, Cultural, and Media Studies: The Key Concepts". political economy is not in it. but, this is quite the handy little book so we'll not blame it for missing it. a quick scan of my book shelf shows me that i have indeed either sold or tossed any book that may in fact hold a simple definition of it.
i bet meg is laughing her ass off at me right now...
this is why you should always keep the text books from your introductory classes.
fuck it, i'll check wikipedia.
i've admitted to myself to being a horribly compulsive blogger. i don't know if that's bad or not. seriously, i'll check like the same 20 blogs 4 or 5 times a day. i either need to get out more, or need to move my study area downstairs out of of my house.
for my New InfoTech class, i think i'm going to do my midterm paper on the social elements of blogs. but i want to do it in such a way that looks at people who don't like the idea of it versus those who do. not an easy feat in a 1500 word essay.
i also sat down on sunday for about an hour and tossed ideas back and forth with my uncle about a major research idea i have decided to undertake. but for the sake of my own paraniod delusions about someone reading it and deciding that they'll take a whack at it too, fuck y'all i'm not saying shit. needless to say, i have about a page worth of ideas so far, and am writing down more.
my norweigan roommate wears a lot of cologne.
current mood: "Jim Beam" by Corrosion of Conformity
cool post. studying is lame, but so necessary. blah.
You bet I'm laughing my ass off. I hate to say I told you so.... actually screw that I love saying I told you so.
Don't you wish I'd kept all my kin 110 notes with all the happy little answers in condensed form? Oops.
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