it's unfortunate that this button only calls a shit-tastic campus security force. it would much rather serve a better purpose as an "Oh fuck Stephen Harper really IS the PM now!!" button.
just what kind of help it would bring...i don't know. a super human Sgt. at Arms who bashes the fuck out of all the evangelical MPs with the Mace? thatd be fucking cool, i'd pay to see that on PPV.
i took a look at the new Cabinet. here are 10 observations and opinions thusfar:
1. Peter MacKay as Foreign Affairs. ok, i've met the guy, i've gotten drunk with the guy...i have peed next to the guy...he's a nice and cool guy. why he's not Deputy PM, i don't know, but he should be.
2. where the fuck is James Moore? not a smart move on Harper's part i think. Moore is the kind of MP you want up in the front because he's young and progressive and can connect to the younger part of the population.
3. Jim Prentice. this man does not belong in this party. this man belongs in the NDP. he will dutifully fuck up his cabinet post i think.
4. Tony Clement as Health Minister. good choice in my mind. while i never had the chance to meet or talk to him, i wanted him to win the leadership for the party.
5. Stockwell Day as Minister of Public Safety. this man is a threat to his own self image. this man believes that the earth was created by some invisible being made up in some stories. this will end badly.
6. Chuck Strahl for Agriculture. anyone who's met him agrees that he is cool. he will do well in this post.
7. Carol Skelton. this woman is a nut case.
8. Monte Solberg for Immigration and Citizenship. he is uber cool, very nice and openminded. i'd like to see him in another portfolio though. maybe put strahl here and give solberg finance.
9. David Emerson. this man needs to be either shot or slapped really fucking hard. we JUST had an election, he was JUST elected as a liberal and he JUST decides to cross the floor. YOU ARE A FUCKING TOOL SIR AND I HOPE YOU FAIL AT INTERNATIONAL TRADE YOU TRUST BUSTING SACK OF SHIT!
10. Michael Fortier. he is not an MP. he was harper's campaign chair. i think it's not unreasonable to say that if you aren't an elected member of parliament you should NOT be in the cabinet. that job is reserved for people who haven't lost elections before.
when i read about this this morning the first thing that went through my head was "oh man...those poor Pages have to redo their fucking "who's who" test now" and then i laughed.
my first midterm is on thursday. it's kinesiology. i don't know why i need to know the exact workings of triglycerides and phospholipids in the regulatory processes of thee body if i'm getting a degree in communication...also, i might be able to fluke out a minor in sociology which i think is neat.
the oilers won again, 6-5 over anaheim. why the fuck disney needs a hockey team i'll never know...
current mood: "One More Time" by KoRn
the whole list was on the cbc website
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