so when i woke up this morning i thought it'd be funny if i went downstairs and there was cake in the fridge waiting for me. and i get out of the shower and there's a magical note that appears on my bed telling me that there is indeed cake in the fridge. a magical note then appeared on the cake telling anyone who dared touch it that they would suffer some form of death.
oh man...sooooooooooo tasty. shaz is awesome-tastic.
it was open mic night tonight. got off to a bit of a slow start but it picked up after the guy who sang about fucking a donkey left. these are pictures of me at the open mic.
wow...Hoyl Redundant Statement Batman! the first one, liz wanted me to wiggle my butt. i think it was more of a waggle, but oh well. you can watch a little clip that liz took. sorry for the shoddy camera operation but thems the breaks.
in my tutorial this morning we were discussing housewives and how there's a sort of negative stigma attached to them in the present. then i asked about the cultural creation of the stay at home dad and any negative connotations directed at them and my TA said that it was more negative for them. so then i asked why should it be and i got a stuttered sort of "um, im not sure."
in the actual class we were talking about commodity symbols and corporate ads that played on emotion to sell their product. we watched some Air Canada ones from the 2000 olympics. when i asked if they failed to qualify as a symbol of national unity because it reminds the audience of bankruptcy and high ticket prices i also got a stuttered "im not sure."
good to know our educators know how to answer our questions...
i think i'm going to talk to my Promotional Culture prof about if she knows of anyone who's done research into whether or not media icons give any considreation as to how the content of their product is disseminated along cultural lines. i'm going to try and incorporate the 2D vs 3D media too. like, say a musician is asked whether or not the message they have in their lyrics are best conveyed through song, or whether they'd be more effective in a book. add to that a question about whether they think the music is more important or the lyrics themselves when it comes to the message present. think about it, you know you can think of a few songs where the lyrics would totally lick balls without the music. ok, so maybe that's a bit of a barbaric description but whatever, it's still in the works.
so....i have just found out that Korn and Mudvayne are playing here on my birthday. if you could keep your eye out for floor tickets let me know. and if you find them and keep them from me i will hurt you very bad. also, the new tool album has finally been mastered, and they're playing some euro tours in the early summer. hopefully a north american tour will follow soon after.
current mood: "Junkie" by Ozzy live at Budokan
hahah i analyze eeeeeverything. it gets pretty annoying too, especially when you're watching a movie or at a concert and youre trying to enjoy it and your brain is like "so and so theorized that i'm responding to this in such a way because...."
...and I blush again, I'm a freaking stoplight now, would you please take that pic down!?
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