if you surround yourself with affluence you'll start to feel rich.
this of course is far from true. although it was funny watching the business types cast their sideways glances at me in my tool shirt and pinned up bag walking around downtown.
"hey...he's not wearing a suit...what's going on?"
there's some pretty weird architechture in this city. i mean, really, who can live in an upside down house? and big red random thing in the middle of a dog poop park?
also, people downtown seem to ignore the "be a kind neighbour, pick up after your dog" signs cause i just about stepped in that shit trying to take a picture. and for some reason you aren't allowed to climb foot high concrete walls anywhere downtown.
there's enough caffeine in that cup to kill a mormon. sitting through a lecture about the political economy of beer while your entire insides are fucking buzzing and your pen is tapping uber fast and you're in the very front row and the prof is three feet away is interesting to say the least.
since we were talking about beer, inevitably the Joe Canadian rant came up. my prof looks at me and is like "want to read it?"
fuck yes!
man...so fun! everyone in the class was cheering and clapping at the end. my prof was like "you should be an actor!"
and of course i'm all on a fucking caffeine high and grinning like a fucking moron trying to sit back down without falling over or something. after a while my jaw started to hurt.
i got a grande triple cinnamon dolce or something. anyway, there was lots of expresso in it.
i didnt manage to get a picture of any of the east side hobos. probly cause i was on the west end of downtown all afternoon, but i really wanted to. simply because i think it'd be a good picture to put at the end. if you surround yourself with affluence you feel rich. it's easy to forget that a fifteen minute walk the other way will show you real desolation in a human life.
i kept fighting off the urge to go and eat in one of the little trendy cafés in coal harbour. cultural capital isn't only what you wear or carry around. cultural capital also comes from the ability to present yourself as being of sufficient status to walk into one of those places and eat. there's no real reason you should have to other than succumbing to the constant demand put on you by cultural producers to try and always eat and buy the best products. why pay 7$ for a drink at coal harbour when you can pay 3$ in the downtown core?
there was a point on the docks when i just stood there and stopped and thought "hey pat, you're a university student who is not rich. go eat at A&W after you go for a walk and play tourist."
so i did. as corny as it is. i listened to In A Coma and walked around shiny buildings and smiled and enjoyed being cliché. and almost stepped in poop.
and blogger's being gay and telling me to republish in 10 minutes. that was two hours ago.
current mood: "In a World Called Catastrophe" by Matthew Good
this of course is far from true. although it was funny watching the business types cast their sideways glances at me in my tool shirt and pinned up bag walking around downtown.
"hey...he's not wearing a suit...what's going on?"
there's some pretty weird architechture in this city. i mean, really, who can live in an upside down house? and big red random thing in the middle of a dog poop park?
also, people downtown seem to ignore the "be a kind neighbour, pick up after your dog" signs cause i just about stepped in that shit trying to take a picture. and for some reason you aren't allowed to climb foot high concrete walls anywhere downtown.
there's enough caffeine in that cup to kill a mormon. sitting through a lecture about the political economy of beer while your entire insides are fucking buzzing and your pen is tapping uber fast and you're in the very front row and the prof is three feet away is interesting to say the least.
since we were talking about beer, inevitably the Joe Canadian rant came up. my prof looks at me and is like "want to read it?"
fuck yes!
man...so fun! everyone in the class was cheering and clapping at the end. my prof was like "you should be an actor!"
and of course i'm all on a fucking caffeine high and grinning like a fucking moron trying to sit back down without falling over or something. after a while my jaw started to hurt.
i got a grande triple cinnamon dolce or something. anyway, there was lots of expresso in it.
i didnt manage to get a picture of any of the east side hobos. probly cause i was on the west end of downtown all afternoon, but i really wanted to. simply because i think it'd be a good picture to put at the end. if you surround yourself with affluence you feel rich. it's easy to forget that a fifteen minute walk the other way will show you real desolation in a human life.
i kept fighting off the urge to go and eat in one of the little trendy cafés in coal harbour. cultural capital isn't only what you wear or carry around. cultural capital also comes from the ability to present yourself as being of sufficient status to walk into one of those places and eat. there's no real reason you should have to other than succumbing to the constant demand put on you by cultural producers to try and always eat and buy the best products. why pay 7$ for a drink at coal harbour when you can pay 3$ in the downtown core?
there was a point on the docks when i just stood there and stopped and thought "hey pat, you're a university student who is not rich. go eat at A&W after you go for a walk and play tourist."
so i did. as corny as it is. i listened to In A Coma and walked around shiny buildings and smiled and enjoyed being cliché. and almost stepped in poop.
and blogger's being gay and telling me to republish in 10 minutes. that was two hours ago.
current mood: "In a World Called Catastrophe" by Matthew Good
I loved those pictures.
I love going downtown and walking along the waterfront in my business jacket as I call it and feel important, only to go home after and retreat to my shitty pj's...or just go people watching.
my dad is building one of those high rises near the bayshore right now so I get to stay with him. I am trying to think of the rad little place I love to sit at and watch the people go into caderro's the ridiculously expensive rest. on the waterfront...blah it starts with a J I think.
anyways there isn't really a point to this at all, cool pics...and I know what you mean when you are on hastings and you spin around the corner and it is where all the people vancouver tries to hide or something, like a constant reminder that we don't have our shit together in canada.
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