i think if anyone had asked me before i started university if i would ever be one of the people still straggling around doing work at the university at midnight i'd have said "um, no that's for losers."
therefore, i am a self fulfilling loser prophecy.
i rather enjoy the media lab late at night. there's no one around, not all the lights are on and you can take your own sweet time doing things.
when i was walking back i kept looking for an excuse to stop and take a picture. i really didn't want to go back inside. it's nice out and tonight it's calm and settled. i don't think i stop to savour that kind of night enough.
when i took my 35mm telephoto lens to the mall to see what was wrong with it i found out that the Black's has been closed. which is stupid because the photo guy at london drugs was a moron. i was like "hi, i have this lens from a 1978ish Canon AE-1 and it wont move past this point, can you tell me what's wrong with it?"
the guy takes it, twists it around, looks at me and says "Sir this lens is defective, you should send it back to the manufacturer."
um. hello? i said it's from 1978. they don't MAKE these lenses anymore. and it wasn't defective last year.
and THEN, dude takes it and starts pulling on the focus part looking like he's jerking off my camera lens. ok, buddy, i'm not shooting porn with it, sooooo chill with the lube action.
i need a new battery for that camera though i think. i went and bought 5 rolls of film, 3 colour and 2 black and white, and i got through abdout 10 colour ones and it won't go click no more.
so i'll go get one tomorrow morning.
my mom phoned me today to say that the grad school application package from uOfc had gotten there today and she was reading it and "oh my god, Patrick, do you know what you need to send in with this? all the letters and references and people have to say what percentile of your undergrad class you're in?"
"yes mom, i know."
"how do you know?"
"because i have the one for here and it has the same stuff. why do you think i had a panic attack when i read them?"
i have my Rez Orientation Team Leader interview tomorrow.
i also keep realizing that it's my birthday on saturday and that i'm still not sure if i care or not.
come to the pub night or else.
i wish school would stop dragging on. it's sort of ironic that i hate that it drags on but have decided that further subject myself to it in the form of grad school. and then more because i'll probably want a PhD.
piled higher and deeper.
current mood: "The Shape" by Slipknot
therefore, i am a self fulfilling loser prophecy.
i rather enjoy the media lab late at night. there's no one around, not all the lights are on and you can take your own sweet time doing things.
when i was walking back i kept looking for an excuse to stop and take a picture. i really didn't want to go back inside. it's nice out and tonight it's calm and settled. i don't think i stop to savour that kind of night enough.
when i took my 35mm telephoto lens to the mall to see what was wrong with it i found out that the Black's has been closed. which is stupid because the photo guy at london drugs was a moron. i was like "hi, i have this lens from a 1978ish Canon AE-1 and it wont move past this point, can you tell me what's wrong with it?"
the guy takes it, twists it around, looks at me and says "Sir this lens is defective, you should send it back to the manufacturer."
um. hello? i said it's from 1978. they don't MAKE these lenses anymore. and it wasn't defective last year.
and THEN, dude takes it and starts pulling on the focus part looking like he's jerking off my camera lens. ok, buddy, i'm not shooting porn with it, sooooo chill with the lube action.
i need a new battery for that camera though i think. i went and bought 5 rolls of film, 3 colour and 2 black and white, and i got through abdout 10 colour ones and it won't go click no more.
so i'll go get one tomorrow morning.
my mom phoned me today to say that the grad school application package from uOfc had gotten there today and she was reading it and "oh my god, Patrick, do you know what you need to send in with this? all the letters and references and people have to say what percentile of your undergrad class you're in?"
"yes mom, i know."
"how do you know?"
"because i have the one for here and it has the same stuff. why do you think i had a panic attack when i read them?"
i have my Rez Orientation Team Leader interview tomorrow.
i also keep realizing that it's my birthday on saturday and that i'm still not sure if i care or not.
come to the pub night or else.
i wish school would stop dragging on. it's sort of ironic that i hate that it drags on but have decided that further subject myself to it in the form of grad school. and then more because i'll probably want a PhD.
piled higher and deeper.
current mood: "The Shape" by Slipknot
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