so today was a wonderfully random fun day. julia and grant were in town for the day as previously mentioned. i opted out of class today and went to meet them downtown. they said i would be their tour guide. i dunno if im a good one, but we had fun times.
hit up Robson which was good cause i was going to go there anyway. julia went into many many many many shoe stores and didnt buy onnnnnnnnnne pair! i was fucking amazed. she has 53 pairs already. she likes shoes. she likes shoes like i like jeans. except i dont own 53 pairs of jeans. but i did buy another pair. and a watch. and both items are fucking sexy as hell. honestly, look at that watch and tell me it's not a sexy fucking watch.
i even went and looked at a pair of jeans from the armani store. much as i told myself i didnt care how much anything would cost today, $160 is still a hell of a lot for a pair of jeans. plus theyre not buffalo so fuck 'em.
and then we went to the aquarium....second time in two days pour moi. plus we only had forty five minutes til the place closed so we walked around fast. those seals are gigantic and cool. and i still want an otter to shuck oysters for me.
and then we drove around stanley park for a bit and got out to take pictures at random spots and got a following of raccoons who didnt want to let grant get back in the car. even yelling at them in french didnt work.
so then after grant climbed in though the passengers side rear door and crawled into the drivers seat on the side oppositite the fur army, we began to make our way to Stevenson Harbour. it's somewhere in Richmond. we almost got lost several times on the way. but thats ok cause ive never really driven around that part of town so it was fun. but it was dark so i couldnt see much but whatever.
and then we got there and had halibut and chips. and then drove from there all the way up here. and julia said she'll never complain about having to drive across town in edmonton after that. but then i said technically she drove across three.
and now the day is over and im wearing my new mushroomy watch and im quite happy about today. i also heard tons of gorillaz songs today. like everywhere.
dont forget, next friday, secret agent themed pub night here at the Highland Pub.
i go watch clone high now.
current mood: "Songburst & Delerium" by I Mother Earth
hit up Robson which was good cause i was going to go there anyway. julia went into many many many many shoe stores and didnt buy onnnnnnnnnne pair! i was fucking amazed. she has 53 pairs already. she likes shoes. she likes shoes like i like jeans. except i dont own 53 pairs of jeans. but i did buy another pair. and a watch. and both items are fucking sexy as hell. honestly, look at that watch and tell me it's not a sexy fucking watch.
i even went and looked at a pair of jeans from the armani store. much as i told myself i didnt care how much anything would cost today, $160 is still a hell of a lot for a pair of jeans. plus theyre not buffalo so fuck 'em.
and then we went to the aquarium....second time in two days pour moi. plus we only had forty five minutes til the place closed so we walked around fast. those seals are gigantic and cool. and i still want an otter to shuck oysters for me.
and then we drove around stanley park for a bit and got out to take pictures at random spots and got a following of raccoons who didnt want to let grant get back in the car. even yelling at them in french didnt work.
so then after grant climbed in though the passengers side rear door and crawled into the drivers seat on the side oppositite the fur army, we began to make our way to Stevenson Harbour. it's somewhere in Richmond. we almost got lost several times on the way. but thats ok cause ive never really driven around that part of town so it was fun. but it was dark so i couldnt see much but whatever.
and then we got there and had halibut and chips. and then drove from there all the way up here. and julia said she'll never complain about having to drive across town in edmonton after that. but then i said technically she drove across three.
and now the day is over and im wearing my new mushroomy watch and im quite happy about today. i also heard tons of gorillaz songs today. like everywhere.
dont forget, next friday, secret agent themed pub night here at the Highland Pub.
i go watch clone high now.
current mood: "Songburst & Delerium" by I Mother Earth
Your hijinks crack me up.
Who still says hijinx?
Oh yeah... and I don't think I'll be going to the theme night at the pub, as I'm still woefully 18 and my fake ID doesn't really do the trick under close scrutiny. Unless you can sell me a ticket and guarantee that I won't get IDed, of course... 'cause if you can, I'd be thrilled to go. *grin*
It's not a sexy fucking watch. ;)
What are you using to alter colors on your photos? Because if it's Photoshop you need to tell me how. I don't read manuals. It isn't an "offical" copy anyway. Should I be saying that out loud?
Isn't the drinking age 18 in Canada? I remember buying a bottle of wine in Niagra when I was 18. But that was a long, long, long, like time ago... (JK)
My word verification code is "oneycczt." It's my favorite so far.
*gasp* watch sacrilege! lol
my camera does all the work for me. if i play around at all in photoshop it's mostly just to play with the levels. unless im doing a full out weird edit, and then i just fuck around with whatever button catches my eye.
and the drinking age depends on which province you're in. it alternates from 19 to 18 to 19 to 18 to 19 to 18 and so on.
What kind of camera is it?
I'm rolling with the Sony Cybershot 5.1 Mega Pixel Smart Zoom DSC-P93. I bought it specifically because it was easy to operate. I love, love, love it, but as I learn to take better photographs I wish I'd gone with something more sophisticated.
Really? Like in the shot that's greyscale with green accents? Your camera did that?
If so, that's fuckin' fabulous, and I need one when I'm not so po'.
The "life partner" thinks you take great pictures, too. Ah, talent. I award you two points, for a total of two.
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