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sh!thawks...on parade: it's not the ocean

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here's how you know you're at a truly Canadian concert event:

on your left there is an old, balding guy named Randy in, i swear to god, a Canadian Tuxedo.

on your left is a nerdy looking 40 year old with his socks pulled up, wearing hiking boots and a Royal Tyrell Museum shirt discussing the merits of sitting on the blue line for a regular season game with his wife.

behind you are the two drunk frat boys yelling "play some fuckin Hip!"

in front of you is where the glass usually is during said regular season game, but in front of that is a guy wearing a Team Canada hockey jersey and a cowboy hat.

and for any of those unfortunate enough to actually think cougars are the shit, dont go to a bar, go to a Hip concert.

also the Sadies were pretty fucking good for an opener.

really, what else is there to say? it's the Hip so it's not like there's any real chance the show is going to suck.

also, New Orleans is Sinkin, second song, epic.

it's not the ocean


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