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sh!thawks...on parade: this is the place where real jewelry comes to die

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so i didnt go to ikea, and found out that there are no lamps in lougheed at all. there are plenty of shiny watches that everett and i looked at. i tried on the seiko i want. im only short 895$.

chicken fries are made by pressing the chicken through square holes.

never eat a cold chicken fry.

always expand your tastes. that being said go out and buy that cd. it's a canadian band that for some reason can be found in the World Music section. which is as shame considering some music sotres ive been in the francophone section has been immense.

i think today might end up being one of those days where you set out to get thigns done and over the course of the day it seems like you got nothing done, but upon further reflection you actually managed to do most of what you had planned.

RHCP on thursday! i should be listening to that right now, but LCF are catchy.

this is the place where real jewelry comes to die


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