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sh!thawks...on parade: the Pirate is giving out free shit!

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*insert witty banter here*

no j/k lol.


we know how to show them east coast bloggers how things should be done!

i'd like to personally thank everyone's inner nerd for convincing them to come last night, but seeing as how i don't know where everyone's inner nerd lives, i'll just say it here.

Most Frightening Foot Award goes to Mr. Chad Ciavarro

Biggest Hug From a Pirate Award goes to Carmen

Sneakiest Shorts Under Skirt Award goes to Foxxy

Most Milage Put Into This Party Award goes to Marnie

Most Enthusiastic Introduction Award goes to Blogger Unknown

I'd like to thank the Academy of Bloggers and Internet Geeks, The Foggy Dew drinking establishment, all the other Patrick's who without you guys, we wouldnt have Pat Power, Bell Mobility for allowing my phone to dial Pitt, Captain Morgan for telling me i was the smartest guy there, the quarters in my pocket for being heavier than pennies, this year's Air Guitar champions Tossed Salad, the Tossed Salad groupies and roadies, SC RPC for giving me a raise on my last paycheque, Jager Bombs, the propane tank by our front door, Big and Rich, The Pretenders, GnR, Stella Artois, and my shoelaces. To everyone else, you know who you are.

Elvis has left the motherfuckin building.

Sammy has shot all the motherfuckin snakes.

Hasta la fuckin vista baby.

Abbott and fucking Costello.

BlogAid/BloggerHop/BlogStock/BlogOut fucking 2K6.


until next time, same blog time, same blog channel.

the Pirate is giving out free shit!


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