so apparently when i eat jello with 10 ounces of jager in it it results in me sitting on the floor in everett's room yelling "dude, fuck you guys!" a lot while i get ice thrown at me and covered in spit balls. oh alcohol, what would we do without you?
we did actually manage to have a decent conversation about using stereo condenser mics with a USB interface mixer versus just buying cheapy 1/4 inch input ones. i say we go half and half.
we watched a show about how childhood is basically being destroyed from what it used to be because of tv and computers in class today. it was neat. i like this class. there's seven of us in the class who teamed up with the prof to do a video production set of assignments instead of all the written ones. we got to talk about toys in our tutorial with him today. and we got to play with 3000$ HDV cameras. part of our homework is to watch cartoons.
doooooood. awesome.
and it looks like we're not going to see that Looking for Comedy in the Muslism World movie cause the rest of the Rez Fambly forgot what time it was after i reminded them a few times and went to the dining hall to get dinner when we should have been on a bus going to the fucking movie. oh well. it's pub night tonight. maybe i'll go tonight.
i had a reading for my New Information Techonology soc class today that was all about how people started living their lives in more realisitic ways through the internet in the 90s. and i laughed cause it was all about MUDs and text based interfaces. and then i logged on to blogger and all of a sudden i was like "ah shit..." damn you education! you take all the fun out of everything!!
current mood: "Gel" by Collective Soul
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