i actually did my kines readings this morning. that's how little i have to do to keep me occupied.
we are also nearly out of dish soap and there's still a bunch of shit to be cleaned, so i may have to go on a soap finding expedition.
after i read i laid down some more tracks. i still need to get my other cables back from alex...and i have to go and get my guitar looked at. the input is definitely fucked. i had to do the first track three times because the input was cutting out.
also, i think either there a some really bored helicopter pilots around today, or someones dead and/or missing. seriously, there's been helicopters buzzing around here really low like every 30 mintues all morning. and then luke and cam showed up with a campus security guy asking "have you seen these people" and flashing pictures.
i havent. i dont know who they are. flashing me a pixelated picture off a webcam and a shitty copy of a high school grad photo isn't likely to help me remember who they are either.
i like how it's january and its sunny out, and warm and the grass is green and i have my balcony door way open and everyone in ottawa is fucking freezing.
hah! suckers.
there's bowling and probly drinking tonight. i havent bowled since like grade 4. i was always afraid that my fingers would get stuck in the ball and theyd get ripped off or something. maybe i have bowlingballophobia.
current mood: "blood in the river" by Econoline Crush
The reason the helicopters/'shitty copy of a high school grad photo'
oh damn, she beat me.
exact cause of death? how about hitting the ground 60 fucking feet down...?
I like how the family and friends keep wondering "how this could happen".
Umm maybe it's just me but perhaps it has something to do with Beer+night+unlit mountain trails...?
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