it's a three hour lecture and i was half listening to audiocrush 20 and it was really making me want to blarf on the guy. and if you have no idea what that means then go and listen to audiocrush episode 20.
maybe next lecture i'll bring my 80$ wax sealed hot sauce that you arent supposed to touch any skin with because it's like a massive fucking ulcer and hole in your guts in a little glass bottle.
some random girl named jen talked to me on the bus today. that was nifty. she saw my NIN pins on my bag and asked if i'd gone to the concert. i totally wouldn't have thought she was into NIN cause she looked like she was going to a business meeting. and then she got off after like five minutes, but she used to live in rez and i know i've seen her around and when she got off the bus she was all "hope i see you around sometime." i can only hope to assume that this means that life has decided to stop being a fucktard when it comes to me and the opposite sex.
it smells like egg salad sandwhich in my house.
i also asked a question in my Promotional Culture class tutorial today that no one could answer. i said that from the readings i got that advertising in the 1920s was a direct result of consumer demand because of the 8 Hour movement, but since the 8 hour movement was started in the 1880s, why was there a 40 year gap between advertisers actually capitalizing on the demand by workers for a greater ability to buy commodity items.
i didnt get a satisfactory answer and sitll maintain my original position that consumer demands led by the proletariat are the reason modern advertising took shape.
that's my communication rant for the day.
current mood: "Blister in the Sun" by Violent Femmes

there's 10 ounces of jager in this jello. i havent had anything to eat since 1:30 today. let's see what happens when i eat all this jello.
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