last night in town. parent's anniversary. we had crab.
today just seemed to fucking drag on endlessly. i'd have much rather that it decided to zip by at a nice quick pace. i did manage to go see ally's new place and say bye. the one thing i think i'm going to regret the most about leaving this time is that i didn't get to hang out with her as much as i would have liked.
my dad's putting together a 1000 piece Red Green puzzle two feet to my right as i type this.
he just got another piece to fit.
i feel pretty tired and i should go to bed since i have to get up at 4am, but i know i'll probly end up laying on the couch hoping that mythbusters is on or something and not go to sleep til about 1. and i can't sleep on planes. so here's hoping i can find coffee easily enough.
ok, time to go sit on the couch.
current mood: "Burden in my Hand" by Soundgarden
Wonderful picture!
I don't even remember the last time I had crab in something other than a dip.
yeah, we hadn't had it for a few years. hooooly tasty!
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