what's this? a greatful dead trilogy? AND a cookbook with weed recipes? i thought my family knew i wasn't a stoner....damn...guess i'll have to start smoking up all the time now.

ok. so, i know that for most of the year i bitch about the evils of forced thought consumerism and would have no trouble carrying a burning torch into a mall to burn the fucknig thing down...but come on, we all know that when someone puts a dvd player in front of you you're probably going to forgive the ad propaganda for a moment and just soak in all the thoughts about the neat things you get to take home with you.
man...i feel so dirty and happy at the same time for liking all this...
hope everyone had a good day today whatever you did.
current mood: "High Time" by The Greatful Dead
Yea, Christmas always kind of makes me feel like I've committed adultery or something. Like I'm cheating on culture studies.
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