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sh!thawks...on parade: LINE UP HERE...for workstations

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thats what it says on the sign i can see if i look up over the top of the monitor.
good thing it's there too, the whole three people sitting up here using these computers sure are taking up a lot of space...
so it's daylight savings...and for some reason every year it really fucks up my sleep for a day or two. didn't get the greatest sleep again last night.
the hour and a half i've been awake have also been about par with the rest of the month. which would be sub par.
but there are three things to look forward to today at least:
1. good chance that i get my own computer back
2. get to have some fun running around in a forest prepping an event
3. getting to eat aunt made food and watch mythbusters
current mood: the enjoyable silence of the 5th floor computer lab.

LINE UP HERE...for workstations


Blogger EJ said...

watever. u can watch mythbusters here whiney.

1:13 PM  
Blogger Shaz said...

You don't really get to bitch about a lack of sleep...

5:30 PM  

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