it also involves a fair amount of wink wink nudge nudge on mine and everett's part towards a certain roommate of mine who just happens to like said stir fryer back.
however, the prize is not awarded until the stir fryer is added to my msn and the first question asked is "is there chicken in it?"
maybe this doesn't seem that funny to you. but that's ok because to us it was hilarity come to life.
honestly, getting into the ingrdients of a midnight stir fry to avoid some blunt statements or questions that would make one of two people stutter out a response while their face turned into a tomato might not seem all that fun, but considering that apparently i intimidate the stir fryer on the lacrosse team i find it quite amusing.
hells yes innuendos are fun.
i hear he is showering now
... u should ask him if he lathers rinses and repeats
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