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sh!thawks...on parade: i didnt even know we had this song

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for lack of anything better to do i'm going to nitpick away at the semantics of this sign.
now, to put this seating to use, must i have both a combination of a disability and a senior, or can i make use of one at a time? what if i have no disability but there is a senior nearby but they aren't mine?
and then you have to think that it's plual so you need both multiple disabilities and seniors to sit in a spot big enough for a single one of one or the other.
i'll tell you a true story about a sign i saw on a bus once that wasn't so much ironic as it was 'shake your head at the chance that you actually just saw that' kind of sign. i don't remember what bus it was, maybe the 87, and there was a decal along the same veins what with the "These Seats Are For Seniors" type thing only this particular decal ALSO said "please move to the back of the bus" right under the first part. and sitting right under the decal was a black dude. i dont remember exactly what went through my head but im sure it was along the lines of "i wonder what rosa parks would say..." and then "that's probably something you'd see in a photo essay in Time or something..."
also, did you know that the term Oriental is used as a noun, according to Encarta and The Random House Guide to Sensitive Language, it's a highly offensive term. i found that out a while ago. and then i went to safeway. and i found the Oriental food section. and since in this sense it is a proper name being used to describe a culinary niche, and therefore a noun, an entire section of Safeway is being ethnically insenstitive.

they should have taught semantics on Seasame Street. or is it Park now... actually wasnt there something in the news last year or something about that show being racially degrading? i dont get's full of red and blue and green and purple and furry people...that seems pretty tolerant to me.

i didnt even know we had this song


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