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sh!thawks...on parade: hallucinogenic sephalopods

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ganked this from B so here' the rules type thing:
leave me a comment requesting an interview.
i will email you five questions (when i have the time).
i get to pick the questions so beware!
you will update your blog with the answers to the questions. and you will include this explanation (or a reasonable variation) and an offer to interview someone else in the post. when others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

and my questions aaaaaaaaaaaaare..................*drum type roll*

Q: You once mailed me a CD of your music, and now you have this fun
little project called Tossed Salad, do you do music as a hobby mainly
and when did you first get into making music?

A: I'm not so sure if it's a hobby or something productive that I like to do cause I feel like doing it. ummmmm...k, well, i started with piano when I was 6 so that's about when it started and then i started guitar when i was 12 and then in high school my friends and i started a band and we were supposed to record a demo but i moved to ottawa. so probably around grade 10 is when i started to really write stuff of my own. i still write my own stuff, but i can't record it anymore for some reason because my computer all of a sudden decided to not talk to my amp, but that's ok cause that'll get fixed in august with the new laptop.

Q: Your blog is often stacked full of photos of you and your (fellow
blogger) friends antics. Does anyone ever accuse you of being too open
about your life and what you do, and if so, do you even really care
what they have to say?

yes sometimes, and then i accuse them of being ignorant to dynamic social trends dependant on coadaptation with technology. or sometimes I shrug and say "whatever, i dont care." plus im more open about some things than others, ie some parts of my personal life have never seen the light of day on here and i eont put up pictures of my family because they dont want theyre faces all over the internet. and there's the odd time where someone says that and it actually turns into a speudo intelligetn conversation. and really, it's pictures and random shit most of the time so i dont care all the time. i think to a certain extent there are times that you will care but most of the time no. i figure if youre going to make things public theres no point in worrying about it because it's out there for everyone to see anyway. and really in the grand scheme of things, im pretyt much some random guy so a)why shoudl anyone really give a shit what i think and b)why should i give a shit about people giving a a Jason Mewes there...

Q: You were in Alberta last year, is there anything about it you miss
when you compare your time there to being back in BC?

A: yes. no joke. my truck and my shotgun. and a few friends who i have yet to convince to move out here.

Q: When it comes to movies, what are your favourite movies? Do you
prefer sci-fi or comedy or watching porn with Ciavarro? ;)

A: i think you'd classify that last one as horror? I like a mix. I have too many favourites but top three are Army of Darkness, Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Lilo & Stitch. full metal jacket would be in there but that'd be a top four and that's not a prime number.

Q: If you won a million dollars what is the first thing you would buy
with your winnings?

A: probably lunch at a sushi place. followed closely by an Audi A4 RS4. or the R8. it'd depend on if the R8 was in the showroom. which i dont think it would be cause im not sure it's out in north america yet...either Audi.

hallucinogenic sephalopods


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