so on the way home my brain was off in its own little world as it often is and it wandered over to thinking about the bamboo plant i bought for my Cubic. two things went through my head when that popped in there. sort of at the same time, like two people trying to get your attention at the same time. the first was 'what ever happened to the bamboo plant that grandma had before she died?' and the second 'dude you bought a plant for a cubicle, do you want to do that for the rest of your life?' thanks brain, nice of you to take a load off...
i know i can get the work done just fine and everything but i dont think im meant for cubicle work. i get antsy. plus it almost seems like a trap that most people never manage to escape from. just call me Peter Gibbons.
tomorrow it'll be one month til i turn 23. thats almost 25. when im 25 i hope im not working in a cubicle still. i'll also be a quarter century old. can i justifiably still poke fun at people who say theyre 25 when i turn 23? somehow it just doesnt seem right cause i'll be closer to 25 than 20.
it's one of those 'oh shit' things. but more in the very matter of fact sounding way not like oh shit!!! but very monotone oh shit. i dunno.
set you on the glass i pulled off your wings then i laughed.
quarter century club anyone?
my mom is coming to town in a few weeks. my sister is going to LA with her bff in a few weeks. i was talking to my sister earlier and she told me about a vacation package to the dominican that was ooooonly 2200$ cause yeah i think it'll be a long time before i get to go anywhere. im going to toronto for canada day. thats my vacation. i want to go to portugal. someone a long time ago asked me if i could go anywhere where would i go and i just picked portugal and they asked why and i said why not and thats the answer i always give. hey. let's go to portugal. k cool. in fact im pretty sure if the first time i go to europe i dont go to portugal i'll be pretty disappointed.
i kind of really want to go drive around in the country with my dad and just shoot pop cans.
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