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sh!thawks...on parade: it doesn't taste raw, in fact it doesnt taste like food at all

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when i was a Page if i wanted to keep anything from work i had to pretty much steal it. so i got a few stickers and pictures and pins and a soup bowl and yadda yadda.
i started my new job today. today i was already provided with a brand new coffee mug, a new pen a new binder, note pads and sticky notes. plus, i get to sit next to a big ass window with a big ass view.
i asked if the dude from the commercials ever shows up. he doesnt.
i wonder how many days it's going to take for my body to start hating me for getting up early many days in a row after being conditioned to go to sleep at 3am and get up at 11 in the morning...
so, now i get a cubicle so that means i can put stuff in my cubicle. never having had a cubicle before, what kinds of decorative items might one find or place in a cubicle so that the cubicle has a decorative cubicle flair to it that distinguishes it from the other cubicles with their own cubic decorations?
let's take a gander at what i have lying around that could be CubiCDecoratiC...

- a talking Stitch with laser guns
- red fuzzy handcuffs
- a peeing statue
- a koala that clings to things
- pornstar bookends
- oilers figurines
- various carabiners
- a miniature ketchup bottle
- an empty peanut container

videos from the other night are here, here, here, here and helium

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it doesn't taste raw, in fact it doesnt taste like food at all


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