there was much sushi and accompanying japanese goodies for shaz's sushi bday lunch.
there was barking and nobody got slit.
and couches. and thrown plastics bottles.
and sunshine and sushi and green tea ice cream and no massive piles of snow like there is at home where the piles are like 6 feet high.
tomorrow is Rez Idol. i have my songs picked out...Lump, I'm From the Country, and Glycerine. it's karaoke. i have a costume. it'll be goooooooood times.
oh, and Randall the Snowman in the Freezer committed suicide today and is now in several pieces on the grass outside. but that's ok cause theres snow on the turf field so i can make another one.
we're all wondering what to eat for dinner. i really dont have food to feed many people...no perogies. so i dunno...gonna wait til laundry is done then figure something out. which is like now...lol
current mood: "Truth About Men" by Tracy Byrd
You realize that Zed is going to cry now, she grew quite attached to that bonhomme de neige.
Man, I hear this dude does the best Pilsbury Doughboy!
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