all i can say is wow. fucking amazing show.
so everett and i went downtown early to go to a buzznet thing being put on by one of MG's friend's tony pierce and were promptly refused entry by the fashionista bitch of a hostess. we ended up heading to harbour center to use one of the computer labs to blog our immediate discontent only to be refused entry into the labs cause they were closing. shut down numero two.
that's ok cause we went back, stood in line, got in quickly and got front and center positions at the stage. standing front and center at any concert is like a fucking endurance test. remember...always keep your elbows -out-.
the only complaint i have doesn't really have anything to do with the concert at all. it has to do with the fact that being a communication student tends to fuck up any sort of entertainment experience because it's almost like being in a participant observation study of fandom.
take for example the girl standing next to me screaming "I love you Matthew Good! I love you! I love you!" oh and it didn't stop there. no, when she couldn't yell anymore she started mouthing it over and over. normally i'd attribute this to overzealousness at being right up at the front, but the look on her face actually gave credence to her repetition. try jumping around and singing to hello time bomb all the while wanting to question her on what her opinion on what fame was, whether she thought it was a social construct, and why she thought that MG was singing directly to her and not to the crowd. of course, you could hear examples of this from throughout the crowd. the chants of "i love you!" or "you're my hero!"
i really wish that i could have done this as a research topic for my Media and Audience Research class. how awesome woudl that be? go to concerts and ask people why they shower this type of emotion on someone on a stage.
ok, i'll admit to having done so previously, until this summer when i realized that if i were in the position of the person on stage i'd rather have an actual conversation with someone rather than meet hundreds of people and hear the phrase "oh my god i love you so much!" over and over again.
i also went to talk to the amnesty people about the benefit/fundraiser we're going to set up for the end of the month so all the little rezzies can show their supportand maybe learn something about life outside of our mountainous bubble. they gave me the contact info for the regional director. good stuff. hope this goes well.
ok, got some more page layouts to do, then go buy stuff for sunday sundae tomorrow, then go to the second show.
current mood: "Buffalo Seven" by Matt Good
Keep me posted on that amnesty thing--sounds interesting. And I think Deanne and I are gonna come to the Sundae Sunday. Mmm, ice cream. How I miss it.
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