old ladies will dress up to have their passport picture taken.
before the picture is taken they will pace around the store nervously, patting their hair and smoothing out their jacket.
wal-mart photo managers confuse and annoy old people because he tells them things that they don't understand.
the mall is a bad place to be if you aren't in a great mood.
don't go to the mall if you're in a bad mood.
london drugs has a lot of magazines.
if you stand at the magazine rack for a half hour before the store closes and flip through as many as you can they won't say anything.
mall security guards wear body armour.
if i were mall security i'd wear a hat.
today's current mood is: Creep (acoustic version) by Stone Temple Pilots
before the picture is taken they will pace around the store nervously, patting their hair and smoothing out their jacket.
wal-mart photo managers confuse and annoy old people because he tells them things that they don't understand.
the mall is a bad place to be if you aren't in a great mood.
don't go to the mall if you're in a bad mood.
london drugs has a lot of magazines.
if you stand at the magazine rack for a half hour before the store closes and flip through as many as you can they won't say anything.
mall security guards wear body armour.
if i were mall security i'd wear a hat.
today's current mood is: Creep (acoustic version) by Stone Temple Pilots
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