the last few days have not been kind. i've been getting little sleep and yesterday things decided to come to a very rapid head. i felt shitty all day yesterday. on top of that, in ten minutes yesterday night it felt like the bottom fucking dropped out. while the floor might have returned to its proper place under my feet, not much else has decided to play nice yet. class, assignments, RHA stuff, and trying to find time to function in life aren't meshing well at this point...
after the shaking in muted rage and frustration began to subside last night, i felt a midnight jaunt was needed in search of ice cream at Cornerstone.
Cornerstone was closed.
fuck Cornerstone.
Everett, Erin, Stevie and I went on a random walking adventure.
it helped calm me down a bit.
...there's a UFO behind that tree...'s like the tower on the Death Star...
...there's also aliens behind those trees...
...see? aliens...
...stevie found a part of an alien space ship...
...Erin found some sort of alien scooter mobile...

...we found the secret alien bunker in a sketchy stairwell...

...more evidence of alien activity was found in a lecture hall where they had left a strange message in a stacked form...
the picture button doesn't want to work anymore...
we also got a surprise yesterday in the form of Lyndz randomly showing up at our door from Halifax to visit. if the picture button were being nice i'd show you.
i'm going to take a nap now and hope that the world decides to stop being a douche bag before i wake up.
current mood: "Surfacing" by Slipknot
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